Breast Cancer

Symptoms of breast cancer
High-risk group
Patient rehabilitation

Breast Lump: For women under 30, tender, mobile, and rounded lumps in the breast area are often benign and may be a fibroadenoma.

Breast Lump: In women under the age of 30, a tender, mobile, and rounded lump in the breast area is often benign and may be a fibroadenoma.

Nipple Discharge: The majority of nipple discharge incidents in middle-aged women are caused by benign lumps. However, extra attention should be paid if there is also a palpable lump, which may be a sign of a malignant tumour. Chronic eczema on the nipples, ulcers on the nipples and/or breast skin retraction are also commonly associated with cancer.

Women who are unmarried, give birth after the age of 30, do not breastfeed their children, or experienced early puberty (with early onset of menstruation) and late menopause are at a higher risk of developing breast cancer compared to the general population if their mother or sisters or aunts or cousins have had cancer. From the age of 40 or above, they should pay special attention if they discover any abnormal lumps in their breasts.

Surgery can have varying effects on patients depending on the specific approach, and you may experience unexpected symptoms. If you have any related questions or concerns, it is important to discuss them with your surgical doctor or breast care nurse to receive appropriate support and treatment.

Surgery can have varying effects on patients depending on the specific approach, and you may experience unexpected symptoms. If you have any related questions or concerns, it is important to discuss them with your surgical doctor or breast care nurse to receive appropriate support and treatment.

It takes some time to recover emotionally after the breast cancer surgery. Your situation may not be identical to the others, as everyone's response is unique. Feeling fatigued or tired is a common and completely normal side effect of the treatment. It's possible to experience a lack of energy and this can also affect your mood for several months after treatment.
When you feel overwhelmed or isolated, it's important to remember that there are many people who can help you overcome cancer. Try to communicate your feelings to your family members so that they can support you. Discussing your concerns with your doctor or breast care nurse can also be very helpful. You can also seek support by connecting with individuals or joining support groups who have had similar experiences after surgery.

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